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  Client Tributes

I work with my clients in person, by phone and by video.

Clients fly in from: England, California, Slovenia, Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Massachusetts and Canada.

Gamechanger Leadership Experience Testimonials October 2019

I can’t thank you enough for waking me up and to help me see how I’ve been a spectator of my life for way too long. I’m happy to say I’m definitely on the court and will never stop playing. After all “this is just my whole life.” As a side note I’ve removed “but” from my vocabulary, I arrive 10 minutes early everywhere, and I am constantly finding new ways to help others. Devon you’re outstanding! 👏🏼👏🏼

-Nichelle Fair

An amazing experience. Looking forward to the next event in NYC. 💯🔥💕

-Rosa Collado

I’ve attended the Game Changer Leadership Experience event for the second time, and both were transformative. I experienced a deeper layer of self- awareness, self-control, and took responsibility for my happiness, which was a massive breakthrough for me. The support of the greatest coach on the planet, Devon Bandison, and the group that was present, I was able to finish strong while witnessing my life-transform before me. Dreams I’ve neglected are now my priority, and it’s given me a sense of peace, love, and joy in every aspect of my being- mind, body, and soul!. Only a Game Changer seminar like this can leave you impacted- especially by Devon. He genuinely has a unique way of engaging the group into a real community and giving us the insights to take ownership of our life and the future we want to create! It was a commitment on my part, but that was a gift I gave myself. Truly inspiring and ful-filling! It completely changed my life! I am incredibly blessed to have been exposed to this Game-Changer experience!

-Alicia Sukalic

Life changing & transformational sum up my experience of Devon’s powerful leadership and coaching. His tools and teachings allowed me the experience to make an internal shift from being in a victim mindset, standing in my own way, and stuck in old stories that did not serve me; 

living in possibility, integrity, and “being on the court” in order to create both the personal and professional life that I want and deserve.  Another life-changing breakthrough that occurred for me was taking action and responsibility in healing an important relationship in my life. 

Before attending the Game Changer weekend, I was in a transitional period in my life, not thinking the best thoughts or taking the best actions (even after years of personal development work and investing in myself). This weekend was the shift in perception that I needed, and right on time. I realized how I was standing in my own way, and not taking responsibility within some areas of my life.  During and after the weekend, I became aware of how powerful a creator I am in every aspect of my life, and that I can choose everyday to either be a spectator in the stands or a player on the court, in this game of life.  

Since the weekend I healed a non-existent relationship with my father, I created a business collaboration & event with Kate Spade, and I created an opportunity where I shared my leadership feedback with the CEO of a multi-billion dollar corporation.  Devon is a powerful leader and coach, as well as a trusted source of transformation. If you are on the fence about attending the Game Changer weekend, I would highly recommend attending—you will have fun, learn a lot and it will impact your life.  

Thank you Devon for your passion, commitment and dedication to the work that you do, it has shifted me to fully step into the powerful being that I am on all levels, in order to leave a legacy for the next generations to come.

-Kelly Lynn Adams

I was visiting NYC the weekend that Devon was doing the Game Changer experience.  I was so excited––I had signed up for a later event in LA, and boy was I ready to make changes now.  So I contacted Devon to see if I could transfer my participation, and he responded right away with the usual Devon enthusiasm, a resounding YES!!!

I'd just broken up with someone I'd been with for the past 3 years.  In fact, the reason I was visiting NY was to get clear on whether I really wanted to end things.  

Through my work in the Game Changer, I realized how much I truly loved him and was willing to shift inside. The key for me was taking personal responsibility for where I was being inauthentic in the relationship.  I called him to own up to this––right in the weekend!  :) Now, we're looking at places to check out living together.

This was truly life-changing for me. I revived a relationship that means so much to me, and even more, I recognized how important connection is for me generally.  In my life, I was spending so much time working that I wasn't making room for the people I love.  I was deeply unhappy with this and didn't even know it until this weekend.  I ate alone, didn't spend time with friends and family, you name it.  Now, I am creating a new reality of intimacy and balance, step-by-step, by choosing love now.

I am truly grateful to say yes to myself with this event––to hit the pause button and take a good look at what I was doing, and whether that's what I really want.  I am changing the course of my life because of it.  

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

-Debbie Roth

I came to the Game Changer event because I was hoping it would help me to identify my goals and establish a plan to meet them.  Life before was a little out of focus because I was unsure of my goals, unsure how to accomplish them and unsure whether I was even capable of accomplishing them.  

One of my biggest breakthroughs was altering my thinking to realize that the reason that I have not done certain things, and been in a state of inertia with many of my ideas, was not because of the external excuses I had been telling myself were responsible for my inaction, but was simply because I had not fully committed to doing those things.  Period.  One way to help strengthen my resolve to staying committed to accomplishing my goals is to create a plan that only requires me to do one small thing on a regular basis.

Game Changer is a structured “Time Out” that I assume most people on Earth have never given themselves, despite how smart or sophisticated they are.  It’s a time where the only thing you are doing is evaluating yourself; the things you are happy you are doing, and the things you wish you were doing differently.  You will not be incessantly checking your mobile phone during Game Changer.  You will be visualizing a better, more productive, more fulfilling life for yourself and those you care about.  

One benefit that I received during the Game Changer was to learn that you can make a major change to your life with just one conversation.  I saw at least 3 people do this during the lunchbreak one day.  With just one conversation that honestly identified a problem and proposed a solution to that problem, I witnessed several attendees of the Game Changer reach out to family members and loved ones to say something that had gone unsaid for a long time.  No one reported back that they were unhappy that they made those phone calls.  It was a powerful lesson.

Another benefit that I received during the Game Changer was that your words create your world.  Most good things don’t just happen haphazardly.  You need to specifically identify, with carefully chosen words, the future that you want to make for yourself and then act on those words.  Without them, you will not have a clear focus on what you are pursuing.  

This was the first time I attended a Game Changer or anything like it.  I was not sure if I was going to make it 5 minutes let alone 3 full days.  I felt comfortable with Devon the whole time.  The folks in the room were very diverse.  Men, women, younger, older and most races that I can think of.  Devon has a great ability to connect with everyone, and I always had the sense that he really cared about helping everyone in the room to overcome whatever might be slowing them down.

The Game Changer was mentally challenging but the venue space and structure of the program were great.  No complaints.

Do it at least once.  It’s such a valuable gift that you owe to yourself and your loved ones.

The Game Changer is highly motivating.  Before Game Changer, I had identified a number of things that I wanted to do, or to do differently, but I had not started on those projects.  During the Game Changer I revised (to expand) that list and began thinking about how to get started on it.  After the Game Changer, I have committed to making the changes that I have identified, slowly but surely, because I’ve recognized that consistency (even if only one small thing is being accomplished regularly) is a good way to avoid being disappointed when you fail to stick with an unreasonable schedule or unreasonable goal.  Without that disappointment, or fear of failing, the journey from start to finish is much more enjoyable and rewarding.  And success, from accomplishing a goal, is a great motivator for achieving more success.

For example, in my home life, when before Game Changer I might have not had patience with my kids most mornings before school, I now think: you’ve got them for 2 hours – make it great, have patience and put them on the bus with a smile, no matter what.  So, now, whether they’re listening or not (and they are not…), I remind myself that I am in control of this 2 hours’ time, and that it's only 2 hours’ time, and I commit to making that time special for us all.  It worked most days!

In my business, I learned that there is a difference between “not having enough time to do everything” and being a “people pleaser”.  In other words, I am now better at identifying what I need to do for my business and what my clients need, as compared with those things that other people want me to do.  I can’t always avoid pleasing people, but I do start every day with my needs and my clients’ needs on the top of my to-do list.

In my relationships, I have work to do, but I have identified areas that need addressing and am thinking about how best to approach them.

Picture the person that you want to be and your day to day life 1 year from now.  If you are 100% confident that you can make that vision a reality without any guidance, then you probably don’t need Game Changer.  If you fall into the other category, go to the Game Changer.  You will be glad you did.

-Zachary DuBey

Gamechanger Leadership Experience Testimonials January 2020


I thought it was important to share all about my game changing weekend experience. 

I have to be honest and completely real. I definitely came into this weekend with an abundance of emotions. One definitely being a non-believer. I thought to myself “what could possibly change in a weekend, that hasn’t changed my whole adult life thus far”? I also shared another emotion that of being; curious. This emotion is what actually bought me to the game changing experience. There I was sitting in this room full of strangers, when another emotion comes over me; nervousness. I am literally sitting there with butterflies in my stomach, almost too nervous to even speak. I tried telling my inner self “calm down it’s just another workshop” 

OH BOY, was I mistaken! It was nothing like any workshop, training, professional development, or meeting. It truly is an experience.

Before my game changing experience my life was just beyond hectic, crazy, and chaotic all the time. My constant running around literally took up every minute of the day. Mostly, to please and be in support of others. My post game changing experience definitely shined a light on how I need to just “slow down” pump my brakes and reset my mind, body, and soul literally. If I can’t do this and really take the time to take care of me, how could I possibly be present and take care of anyone else? There are many who depend on me. For the first time, in my adult life this really resonated within me. I know you’re thinking the same thing I was; I heard this before but, I have so much to do blah blah, that was my mistake exactly. The word “BUT” I have heard the saying before and using the word “BUT” disregarded the prior phrase altogether. For the first time I actually listened to it “if I can’t take care of me first, I can’t take care of anyone else” The difference was it was the first time I actually listened to the saying. That was key for me. Taking the time to really hear it and listen to the full understanding of “slow down”. I have been so consumed with pleasing everyone else. I lost track of my own being, of who I am and who I want to be. That to me was beyond powerful. Embracing that emotion of my internal selfcare lead me to discover my three big breakthroughs. 1. Not worrying that I’m not good enough. 2. Stop over explaining “who I be”. 3. The importance of building my world around my language, (precision words). Listening to Devon breakdown the meaning of what being on the court really means to me, regarding my breakthroughs really gave me a new perspective on my life goals and the journey I’ve been on. I can see my life through a different set of lenses, and sometimes we all just need that refocusing to really take place. For me, at this moment in my life it came at a great time. Devon was patient, professional, passionate, and supportive. Devon spoke about some real- life situations, that we as humans all deal with just on varying contexts. The hustle and bustle of life can really throw you off the court. Devon found a way to keep us all playing on the court as long as we wanted too. He challenges you to really dig deeper into yourself, because we all have that change, we want within us all.

I recommend the game changer experience to anyone willing to play on the court (take control of your life) and not be in the stands as a spectator (watching life take over you).  This was a beneficial experience for me in so many ways. I met many wonderful people who I connected with who are really doing wonderful things in this world. I walked out of this weekend feeling renewed, revived, and rejuvenated all at once. I was taken care of the entire weekend with anything I needed. This is an experience words really can not justify. I came into this weekend as a non-believer and walked out a true believer in the process of transformation.

Thank you for that!! Sky is the limit...

– Joanna Caballero

I knew that the Game Changer experience would be helpful because I know how valuable Devon’s work is but I was blown away by just how transformational the weekend was.  What I experienced in connecting with others and with myself at a deep level was truly amazing.  Beyond Devon being incredibly entertaining and engaging and keep everyone’s attention for the entire weekend, I got super clear on areas where I was holding myself back personally and professionally and the insights I gained led to immediate action that created instant movement and forward momentum that I just know will continue to pay dividends going forward.  Whether you have been into personal growth for years like I have or this is your first time doing “something like this” and you aren’t sure what the heck it even is, my only advice is to jump all the way in and do it.  The wisdom, the clarity, the relationships, and the game plan for turning the rest of your life into the best of your life awaits in Devon’s room full of Game Changers!

– Jason “JG” Goldberg, Best-Selling Author of “Prison Break”

I came to the Game Changer to do planning for my next year. Before the Game Changer, I had goals for the year, but with a lot of noise in my head about being successful, failing, worry, and anxiety. After the Game Changer much of my anxiety was diminished, but more important, when I do get anxious, I make better choices to take action on my goals, while still staying connected to my “Being”. My biggest breakthroughs were:

  1. Knowing the difference between “making a choice” and “making a decision”. In choosing there is more freedom without the “noise” that I used to have in making changes or implementing new approaches

  2. “Being the Stand” – Not just setting intentions or goals but making a direction non-negotiable by “Being the Stand” produces much more resolve within me, which adds to my focus, my presence, and less “noisy thoughts”. As I knew from another mentor, but didn’t know how to take action on it – “Playing at 100% is easy, while playing at 95% is a struggle”

  3. “Practice to make easy” instead of “Practice to make perfect”. This concept removed the expectation that I had of myself needing to get it right on a first try. Instead, like in sports or music, practice is continual and never completed. This took a lot of pressure off for “getting it right” or “being good enough” based on performance. I just need to keep practicing for achieving my goals. 

I’d recommend the Game Changer to others because this is a very rapid approach to gaining key self-awareness while transforming beliefs and behaviors to more effectively achieve our most important goals and desires. This unique program with Devon’s facilitation focuses on gaining greater touch with “Being” as opposed to “Doing” and taking action based on a “State of Being” rather than pushing and struggling to do in a way that is frantic, disjointed and unclear. I have left many personal transformation programs with enthusiasm, and a week or so later, I was back to old ways. The Game Changer Workshop  has led to a lasting change in mindset and behavior that I am continuing to benefit from weeks after the program.

The biggest benefits I’ve received are a greater sense of well-being and peace, a greater focus with less distraction and accomplishing more associated with my priority goals and clarity of my role in growing my business.

Devon was both down to earth, energizing, and most importantly very clear, direct and authentic. His style changed based on what was happening in the room. For instance, if we were moving too fast, and getting lost in our story, he effectively slowed us down to improve our own clarity. Also, Devon was very acknowledging for any forward movement from anyone, which was extremely positive and at the same time, highlighted new learning points. Devon was very respectful of the group. And, while he demonstrated a high level of accountability, he didn’t allow “rules” to outshout the needs of the group

I couldn’t know and probably would ‘t have believed it if someone told me what I was going to gain from this workshop. So, you can’t know what you are going to get from going before going. However, now that I have been through the workshop, I wouldn’t hesitate – take the leap. It will support you at work, in relationships, and in your personal life. “It’s only the rest of your life at stake.” 

I have been more focused, less distracted by my stories, more in touch with my Being and more present with others. The results are getting more done; more effective leadership of my company; and better consulting and conversations with my clients. 

While there is a lot of learning, a lot of awareness and a lot of making commitments for change, it was all done in a very Light, Fun and Safe workshop environment. It’s great to grow in a meaningful way – a lasting way – and do it with a lot of fun!

– Mark Samuel

This is my second time doing the Game Changer, and I didn't know what to expect––I had experienced so much transformation in my relationships the first time around … and I wondered whether this workshop would give me additional insight.  I was blown away by the power of what I learned.

I came face-to-face with a part of me who wanted approval from others, and I looked honestly at what I did to get it, e.g., talking too much (and not always saying what I mean), wanting attention for my accomplishments, and most importantly, doubting myself and my own value.  During the weekend, I had a realization that I am exquisitely enough––that I am ALL that I was seeking in other people.  

I began to show up differently right away and stand in my loving presence.  I spoke with more strength, leadership and clarity (words are currency!). And, I expressed my playfulness simply for the joy of it, rather than to get attention.  

This is a game changer for me and is a shift I've wanted to experience for a long time.  Truly, my gratitude is beyond words.

I would recommend the Game Changer to people who want their life to reflect the incredible truth inside, and are ready and willing to go for it. I got profound, meaningful wake up calls in the two events I did with Devon. And the fact I took action right away is a demonstration of the power and possibility in this event.  (The fact that Devon is fun only adds to the experience! :) )

– Debbie Roth, LA, Professional Forgiveness Coach