Tanja Bogataj

Leadership and Transformational Coach, Owner and Leader of #bepowerfulandfree


I’ve decided for Devon’s coaching apprenticeship program because I wanted to learn from, and train with, someone who has developed a successful coaching business from scratch, who practices coaching as a service, and who has similar values as I do, like learning, integrity, people first, and efficiency. Having Devon as my coaching mentor and a coach helped me successfully transition from my 18 year long career in the public sector into entrepreneurship and start building my coaching practice and business. For me it was priceless to have someone who walked the path before me to guide and coach me along the way as Devon does. I recommend Devon’s coaching apprenticeship program to coaches and those who want to provide powerful service in whatever they do, especially at the beginning or in transitions of their journey. Because of his powerful and unique game-changing teaching and coaching you’ll be able to learn and improve faster, and in a more efficient and also fun way.


Carrie Brito