Create an inspiring, healthier, more fulfilling, passionate and purposeful life – whether that means achieving more in business, recreating your relationship or discovering how powerful you really are.
In Leadership, it's called a Crucible which is by definition, a transformative experience through which an individual comes to a new or an altered sense of identity. In our three days together, you'll come to know it as a Game Changer or that Breakthrough moment where you now see life differently and can do life differently.
We have many of these moments throughout our life. Sometimes we take advantage of them and other times we let them slip by.
Right now you may be ready to:
leave your job but haven't because of fear of the unknown
start your own business but was unsure of the next steps
create more income but have become complacent and comfortable along the way
have better relationships but unsure how to recreate those relationships
feel more confident in your leadership at home, at work and in the world do something that has been an ongoing goal/dream/desire and it's beginning to seem out of reach
The Game Changer Leadership Experience will help you transform these perceived barriers into actionable steps.
“Devon Bandison is a world-class coach with exceptional brains and heart. He does more good in a single day than most social reformers do in a lifetime.”
- STEVE CHANDLER, "The Godfather of Coaching", Author of Time Warrior
“Devon Bandison’s leadership experience was both inspirational and transformational. The tools he developed has helped me to hold myself accountable, so that I can create a more powerful and successful life. His workshop created a safe and supportive space to share experiences and I had so much fun! I feel that now I will truly be able to live my legacy.”
- NADIRA RAMCHARAN, President & CEO NRNY Consulting
“Transformation! That’s exactly what I experienced! I’m screaming through the roof with gratitude in having the opportunity to work with this man. My personal and professional life has a new air and a new outlook. Thank you Devon, you’ve provided me with the needed and oh so necessary blueprint to create a more fulfilling life.”
- CHANEL CATON, Entrepreneur
Join us for
The Game Changer
Leadership Experience!
It’s ON! 3 Days of Transformation
Every doubt that has ever gotten in your way, every fear that keeps you from achieving your dreams, every barrier that stands between you and your vision of success will come tumbling down. On that weekend, everything changes.
We will help you transform the 3 I's in your life:
Intimacy, Income, Impact
You need to stop changing the rules and start changing the game.
Join us for this powerful 3-day event and you'll learn how.
I'll help you take practical steps to design your life and change the relationship you have with yourself, your loved ones, your career and your money. The Game Changer Leadership Experience will help you clearly define what you want, shape that vision and set up the practical systems that will make the transformation you desire inevitable.
It will be a game changer!
The systems I teach are proven to help you BE more, DO more, and HAVE more. This is not a workshop; it's a transformational experience that includes the very best of my professional development practices, psychology, and technology used to transform my private coaching clients and Fortune 100 businesses around the world. I have distilled them into this transformational program just for you.
You'll not only work to establish a clear game-changing vision for the next 12 months, but you'll also be empowered with supportive tools and an accountability system that will help make your vision a reality.
Don’t take my word for it. Read the testimonials from for those who have participated in The Gamechanger Leadership Experience in the past and have created lives of abundance, fulfillment, and freedom...
Join Us!
reserve your seat now
The Agenda is YOU
We will focus on creating the clarity and tools in your life for you to achieve more. This experience is about transformation. We will be getting comfortable in the uncomfortable. Creating change in your life and/or career means you need to expand your comfort zone. Finding peace and fulfillment comes from getting comfortable living as your best self. I’ve given workshops and seminars all around the world and love what I do, and The Game Changer Leadership Experience is really special to me because I’ve seen how, in just one weekend, it has transformed people's lives, relationships, careers and finances.
This 3-day experience is not theoretical - you'll leave with actionable steps that will be implemented in your life by the end of our weekend together. Listen, it’s no secret that self-improvement takes work. Since you're still reading this, I have a suspicion that you’re ready to do the work it takes. You may find, in the process, that it can also be a lot of fun.
Day 1: Getting Accurate
8:45am-9am: Registration
9am-12:30pm: Morning Session - We'll explore what self-leadership is and the impact it has on your life. You'll get accurate on where you currently are in three areas of your life (intimacy, income, impact)
12:30pm-2pm: Lunch break with assignment over lunch
2pm-5pm: We'll explore creating breakthroughs in your life and getting accurate on the barriers holding you back from achieving your goals; breakout sessions; coaching
Day 2: On the Court
9am-12:30pm: Morning Session - We'll work on mindset, practical ways to take ownership in your life and redefining what success looks like to you personally and in your relationships; coaching
12:30pm-2:00pm: Lunch break with assignment over lunch
2:30pm-5pm: Afternoon Session - We'll dig deeper in to designing your life, identifying and coaching you on the necessary steps you need to take to ensure that you're creating breakthroughs in your life
Day 3: Game Changer
9am-1pm: Delivering on my Promise:
You will leave fundamentally transformed in who you will BE in the world.
As such, your life, business and/or relationship/s will shift from survival-based and representative to possibility-based and creative.
You will experience a new level of POWER to enroll others in the new possibilities you've created in your life.
You will have the tools to access to be free to "BE yourself" with all people at all times.
You will have an increased level of effectiveness in situations in which you were previously ineffective and find yourself able to clearly create and restore opportunities in life, in your relationships and in your finances.
“I’ve spent a lot of time around gurus, coaches and consultants. And what I’ve experienced with Devon is something unlike anything I’ve ever seen or read before. Devon has this disarming way about him. It’s empathy but more. He shows you what life could look like on the other side of fear, doubt, and expectations."
- TONY UBERTACCIO, Founder & CEO Semper Avanti
“For 4 years I had been traveling, mostly alone, along a road towards bigger audiences and platforms. However, it never felt like ‘enough.’ I had dreams of much bigger platforms yet my internal insecurities and beliefs were holding me back. Until that is, I began working with Devon Bandison! He stepped on the road beside me, offered a vision and helped me identify key destination points to overcome barriers along the way.”
- JANE EVANS, TED Speaker, Author, Parenting Expert
"I first took one of Devon’s seminars 2 years ago. I’ve since used the distinctions taught by Devon to improve my relationships, grow my business, and raise more than $20K for amputees while competing in triathlons. Devon’s simple yet powerful message is so infectious because of the size of his heart. I’ve never met a coach with so much passion and longing to make the world a better place."
- BILLY D, Fitness Entrepreneur Achilles International / Wiggle Your Toes Triathlete
Meet Your Coach
Devon Bandison is one of the most sought after personal and business coaches in the world. He works with Fortune 100 Companies and people from all walks of life, including professional athletes and teams, CEO’s, salespeople, small business owners, film makers, producers, the top business and life coaches in the world and parents.