Levina Li

Life, Creativity, and Leadership Coach

Working with Devon has been one of the most EPIC experiences I have ever had. He is an absolutely EXTRAORDINARY human being who fully embodies and radiates love, fun, power, and service. Coaching with him has been a rocket ship for my life.

When I first met Devon, my life was pretty great. AND he saw right through me and lovingly called bullshit. "Your 80% looks like 100% to a lot of people." That moment was the first of many in which Devon would invite me to blow the lid off of my life.

And that is exactly what we did in our work together.

It's been 13 months since that first conversation. My life today functions at a level that is unrecognizable from where it was when we first met. I often catch myself expressing disbelief about how happy and at peace I am. There is more love in my life than ever before. I have the most exquisitely fun, inspiring, and wonderful relationship with my husband. My friendships and relationship with my family are profoundly deep and fulfilling. My business is on track to grow 5x this year.

All created with ease.

While I am thrilled with these external results, the greatest gift of our work together has been in my own becoming. Our work together has introduced me to the magnificent and inspiring ME I always knew I could be. It's been so much fun, I could never go back.

Devon Bandison is the real deal. His presence, love, and coaching has forever transformed my life in ways that I will eternally be grateful for. It is a privilege to know him and work with him. THANK GOD the universe brought us together! I look forward to working together and creating miracles well into our elder years with gusto.

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