Laura Borland

Personal and Executive Coach

Devon has been a real fundamental and integral part in helping me become who I am today, and helping to create what I have created as my life. One of the reasons I chose to work with Devon was because he inspired me by who he was and what he was creating in the world. At the beginning of our journey he could see a bigger possibility for me than I could, and invited me into a journey of creating that. He believed in me when I was doubting me.

It was simultaneously exciting and terrifying to choose working with Devon. I was stretched at the time by investing so much in myself, and yet I knew I couldn’t do it on my own. I had been trying for a long time! Devon is able to dance between the practical and the spiritual aspects of life which is wonderful, and is exactly what I required. Having both is what made it a powerful experience for me. He has a big range. He is challenging, and can also be very gentle.

One of the things that really inspired me about working with Devon, was that while I was growing so was he. He is very committed to his own journey. Through our time working together, over 3 years, we built up the most amazing trust. I was able to talk to him about so much more than the business aspects that had initially had me choose to work with him. I was able to share with him the stuff that was tender for me personally, and really appreciated that he able to go there with me. Not only has it been the most amazing journey professionally and personally, it’s also been fun and playful - and that was really important to me. Coaching with Devon has had an impact on my business, my practice as a coach, my finances, my relationships. I now live a life that I love to live. I am able to speak my truth and stand in my power.

I will forever be grateful to Devon, and really appreciate the role and energy he was in my world.

Carrie Brito