Andre Danylevich

Film & TV Producer

I decided that I wanted a coach because I realized that I was limiting myself in my professional growth and didn't feel ready to take on my professional goals. It was always a "someday" in the future version of myself, I didn't actually trust that I could meet my goals, that I would have to be a different version of myself. Otherwise everyone would find out that I was a fraud and I would never be taken seriously, because at the core of it all, I didn't trust or believe in myself. I didn't believe that I was enough already, just as I am.

In working with Devon, I stretched into the possibility, that I could afford to hire a leadership coach, that I was worth investing in, that I was enough to excel and lead in my profession. That I was a leader.

The incredible thing is that since I started working with Devon, some of the most insurmountable obstacles that I perceived in my life (professionally and personally) have evaporated, because they weren't real, they were something I constructed to keep myself in the familiar. Devon helped me step out of that familiar comfort zone, into my power and get into the mindset that allowed me to step into rooms and present myself authentically as a powerful leader, as I had always hoped I would but didn't know how to achieve. 

In a moment, a few months into working together, he also helped me realize that I could just shift how I showed up in my relationship with my partner. It was like stepping through a door, instead of climbing a cliff. That shift is something that I now know I can choose to bring into so many different aspects of my life, professionally and personally. Sometimes it can just be a mindful shift, it doesn't need to be "hard work".

I still consider Devon to be my coach even though we don't work together as regularly as we had, and I look forward to when I am ready to move to the next level with him. His open, present, and joyful approach to life inspires greatness, when I am open to it.

Carrie Brito