Michael Ralby 

President / Managing Director - Ralby Enterprises

When my organization was looking for a coach we wanted to bring in a coach who could help us build cohesiveness and accountability within the organization.  What we received from Devon was far more than we expected, not only did we receive what we set out to accomplish we gained a friend. 

Devon was a breath of fresh air, before him we had a long history of coaches and never stopped tweaking our coaching team until we found Devon. His Attitude, Style Cadence, Attentiveness, Demeanor was second to none.

The reason coaching is so important to me is that every top athlete or business has a coach. Why does the majority of the population think they can do it on their own ? I know that one of the most integral parts of any organization is having a great coach.

Devon is a coach that takes you and your organization to a higher level, like he did with us. In my entire life from my career in athletics to the three plus decades of being in sales I have had many coaches and if anyone asked me who I would recommend it would be Devon 

I met Devon when he was performing at a Ted talk that I sponsored in Boca Raton Florida. When he gave his talk on parenting it was all I had to hear. When we met after it was apparent our energy styles and mutual respect for fatherhood would be an incredible foundation for years to come. I can happily say it's been seven years and Devon has been there for me period good or bad. 

Three benefits our organization has experienced as a result of coaching with Devon has been

A) Organization  B) Different perspective C) Results 

Experiencing Devon’s coaching is like going from a paper map to a GPS. Both will get you there but only one speaks to you and guides you along your journey.

It's refreshing in today’s world when you receive more value than you expect and that’s what you get with Devon.


Carrie Brito